Diplomatic Security Special Agent Training – The Protective Equipment and Armored Vehicles Directorate of the Diplomatic Security Service manages a variety of protective equipment such as helmets, ear protection, vests, and more. Photo courtesy: DSS
In an unusual building in Alexandria, Virginia, gunners test and test weapons used by special agents of the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) while engineering teams develop and evaluate other defense and defense gear. Vehicle technicians and inspectors inspect armored vehicles that are built for use in high-risk areas where the Department of State operates. Purchasing and budget specialists analyze data and compare numbers to ensure agents have the resources they need to do their jobs.
Diplomatic Security Special Agent Training
These are the men and women of the DSS Defense Equipment and Armored Vehicles (DEAV) division Managing the department’s internal and external special defense equipment and armored vehicle programs, DEAV professionals are responsible for the design, testing, and maintenance of life, defense, and equipment used by DSS for global, facility, people, and information security. gave
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“DEAV is a logistics technician’s dream job, where procurement specialists — working with subject matter experts — acquire and deliver critical defense and defense equipment to DSS special agents,” said DEAV Division Chief Seth Green.
Recently, DEAV dramatically improved supply chain processes by integrating DSS program managers with DSS chief financial officer resource management specialists and contractors from the department’s acquisition management department.
“These professionals now work side-by-side in the same office, reducing acquisition timelines from months to days,” Green said. In addition to our general purchase agreement for aftermarket armor, we now also offer original manufacturer armored vehicles.
The Defense Equipment Branch employs renowned gunsmiths who develop new defense systems and industry-leading capabilities that enable DSS to operate in all types of threat environments. The Armored Vehicles Branch manages the world’s largest fleet of civilian armored vehicles, overseeing more than 4,000 vehicles in use in over 250 countries. The branch supports the Department and procures and maintains armored vehicles for multiple interagency partnerships operating overseas under the Secretary of State and the Chief of Mission.
Bureau Of Diplomatic Security
“It’s all in a day’s work for us,” Green said. We maintain, develop and test life-saving, protective equipment so that State Department employees can work as safely as possible – no matter where they serve. The Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service has stepped up to do an even tougher job.
Following the September 2012 terrorist attack on the US diplomatic compound and CIA satellite base in Benghazi, Libya, US Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ liaison officer Sean Smith and two CIA contractors, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty, were killed. The Department needs to further define what the Diplomatic Security Service does
The Bengal attacks ignited a political fire during the 2012 presidential election cycle, and we’re seeing it this week as the House committee tries to rekindle that anger by questioning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her allies.
From mudslinging to wild accusations, Washington has been equally embarrassed by all aspects of the conflict since the tragic events in Libya. But Benghazi has exposed internal weaknesses in the State Department’s assessment of dangerous places where diplomats who want to do business as usual must understand and prepare to meet the grave threats of terrorism and political unrest.
Diplomatic Security: The Road Ahead
Historically – and operationally – diplomats’ willingness to shake hands and the prudent need for security have often conflicted. One of the arguments made by many in the DSS after Bengal was that there was never a seat in the store to assess risks on the security side and make decisions that bypassed diplomats and ambassadors.
An immediate change to the DSS after Benghazi was the establishment of a new domestic directorate focused on high-risk diplomatic posts abroad where the possibility of terrorist attacks required the installation of additional physical security measures and the presence of personnel there. Receive advanced high risk tactics training
Previously, agents sent overseas, even to combat zones, were often expected to have the tactical skills of a Navy SEAL, but in reality the job description required them to be program managers and specialist security officers.
The man chosen to lead the new initiative is Special Agent Bill Miller, who has previous counterterrorism experience. Miller had previously worked in war zones, and in February 1995, Miller and his partner Jeff Reiner—two DSS agents stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan—arrested World War II bombing mastermind Ramji Yousef. After a tour in Baghdad, Miller designed the first high-risk training course for DSS personnel going into combat. In April 2014, Miller was appointed director of DSS
Protecting Us Government Leaders: Who Gets Security And Why: Analysis
Then, nearly three years after the ad hoc terrorist attack on US diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, DSS would face its biggest security challenge yet. The location would be Kenya, a country considered high-risk, where militants from al-Qaeda and al-Shabaab and other Islamist extremists had made their mark several times in bold, bloody attacks before 1998, when the US embassy was bombed, killing more than 200 people. , and most recently the Garissa University College massacre in April that left 147 dead.
According to Doug Allison, DSS assistant director of the High Risk Program Directorate and Deputy Assistant Secretary, Kenya is one of 30 countries that countries consider at risk.
The occasion will be July’s World Business Summit in Nairobi, which will be attended by President Barack Obama, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, and many of the intelligence, diplomats and titans of corporate America. Al-Shabaab openly boasted that it would disrupt events, causing killing and destruction
Securing the summit and its high-level threats and high-ranking participants would be a nightmare for security experts, which the State Department and White House said were not going to be security talks. At the peak Securing the summit, in a nation designated as high-risk, will be a major test of the new protocols put in place after the Benghazi attack.
Special Agents Tasked With Emergency Response In Afghanistan: Analysis
For much of the spring — and for the summer months — a steady stream of special diplomatic security agents filed through Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Men and women who first entered the country on diplomatic passports wore business suits with their ID cards and sidearms. These were “special agents in charge” and observers who reported directly to the State Department leadership and had to plan and coordinate one of the largest US-led security operations in the history of the African continent.
The flow of American manpower and supplies continued, but now there were more personnel in polo shirts and khakis, with Kenyan security commanders and counter-terrorism unit leaders in blast- and bullet-proof armored vehicles and Mt. 18 Assault Rifle
Special agents can provide an ideal kill zone for terrorists to launch attacks with IEDs or suicide bombers and active shooters by checking countless details, hotel, airport and route checks and traffic patterns. And, on a winter morning, the most skilled combat teams of the US Corps participated in a realistic training course to ensure that, should all preparations and all plans fail, they would be able to respond to the devastating reality of a crowd as first responders. Accident
The topic for the morning class, held inside an isolated and heavy police base northeast of Nairobi, was tactical medicine – the life-saving techniques operators in the field can use to prevent chest or leg wounds. .
Like Action And Adventure? The Diplomatic Security Service Is Hiring
The course is grueling and not designed for the faint of heart, but the men in the room had seen their share of bloodshed before: US federal agents, members of the DSS’s elite special operations unit known as Mobile Security Deployment or MSD, and Kenyans. General Service Unit Rec Team Commando, operators of the paramilitary wing in the Kenya National Police Service.
In recent memory, the US Corps has been deployed to places like Kabul, Karachi, Sana’a and Baghdad. They knew the incredible, chest-pounding adrenaline rush of running a defense detail through terrorist-controlled territory. Kenya’s Receipt commandos, veterans of the brutal day-to-day terror war against Somali jihadists, were no strangers to fighting themselves. Drills with gunfire and simulated explosions were choreographed for realism and extreme urgency.
American agents advanced the training In the latest tactical gear, arm tattoos and biceps built by endless hours at the gym, the MSD operators all looked like they had been handpicked for the mission from Hollywood’s central casting office. One of their colleagues in Kenya, they
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