Do You Have To Be An Rn To Get A Bsn – According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), an average of more than 203,000 new registered nursing positions will be created each year between 2021 and 2031, an annual growth rate of approximately five percent. Nevertheless, the United States currently faces a shortage of RNs, and this shortage is expected to increase in the coming years as more of our population ages and seeks medical care.
This is good news for anyone considering a career as a registered nurse. The growth in demand has translated into higher levels of job security and competitive wages. These benefits, combined with a desire to make a difference for patients, inspire many to embark on the path to becoming a nurse.
Do You Have To Be An Rn To Get A Bsn
Interested in pursuing a career as a registered nurse? If so, it might be helpful to understand the steps you need to take to get there. Below, we explore the steps to becoming an RN, including how much time it takes to plan your career and future.
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The exact steps to becoming a registered nurse vary slightly depending on the state you live in and where you hope to practice, so it’s important to research the specific requirements. That being said, all states require aspiring RNs to meet the following requirements:
Being a nurse can be tough. Nursing programs are time-consuming and include clinical experiences, practical hospital training and theoretical classes. Participating nurses must be prepared to care for patients at a fast pace. Although it’s a journey, it’s worth it for the satisfaction of being an integral part of the nursing field, helping people, and making a positive impact.
As mentioned above, making this goal a reality involves knowing exactly what is expected of you in your particular country. Thus, all states require aspiring RNs to meet the following requirements:
The answer to this question is that it varies. The factor that will most affect your schedule will be the degree you choose. Depending on the specific nursing program you enroll in, it can take anywhere from 16 months to four years to become a registered nurse.
How Long Does It Take To Become A Nurse?
“I chose to get my BSN, which takes four years,” said Chi Chi Akanegbu, who graduated from Regis College with a bachelor’s degree in nursing as part of the Class of 2020. “After that I had to take the board exams, which added some time.”
Many people may think that earning a degree in nursing is the fastest way to become a registered nurse, especially as opposed to earning a four-year BSN. After all, it takes an average of two years to earn a nursing degree. But as mentioned above, while a degree in nursing may meet the technical requirements to become an RN, more and more employers are requiring their BSN in order to be considered for an RN position. what kind of new hire they are looking for.
With that in mind, if speed is important to you, you may be better served by enrolling in an accelerated BSN program that allows you to earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing in less than the standard four years.
For example, Regis College offers several degree options specifically designed to help students graduate as quickly as possible so they can start their careers, including:
Doctor Vs. Nurse: 6 Reasons To Become A Nurse
Whether you choose a traditional four-year BSN, an accelerated degree, or an MSN, it’s important to do your homework first to make sure you choose the best program to help you achieve your goals.
When choosing a program to enroll in, Akanegbu advises finding a program that offers a curriculum specifically designed to help students pass the NCLEX.
“Out of everything, I would have to say the hardest part of being an RN is the NCLEX,” she says. “High-quality programs understand the importance of this exam and use that understanding to shape their curriculum so that graduates are prepared to take and pass the exam.”
Additionally, Akanegbu recommends finding a program where you know you can learn from nursing professors.
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“One of the things I find most positive about the Regis nursing program is that our faculty are not people who have been retired for 10 or more years,” she says. “They’re actively working in hospitals, which means they’re not just going beyond the textbook, they’re teaching us what they’ve been through and what they’ll continue to live with as nurses.”
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree is designed for students who want to make a difference for their patients through compassionate, patient-centered care.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-BS Degree Completion) Bachelor’s degree program for registered nurses with a postgraduate degree who wish to continue their education for professional and personal growth.
The ABSN Graduate School of Nursing program offered by Regis College in Massachusetts can help you launch your nursing career in just 16 months.
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24-Month Bachelor of Nursing for Non-Nursing College Graduates (Online) Regis’ online accelerated nursing program for non-nursing college graduates will help you launch your nursing career in just 24 months.
Accelerated Direct Entry MSN Regis College offers an Accelerated Direct Entry MSN program option for college graduates interested in pursuing a master’s degree in nursing. Nursing is one of the most rewarding careers you can pursue today. Every day, nurses work hard to make a difference in the lives of patients by helping them improve, maintain their health, and maintain a high quality of life. If you are kind, quick-thinking, and want to help those in need, then nursing may be for you. The question is, which nursing career path should you follow?
What most people don’t know about the nursing field is that there are all kinds of nurses out there today. There are registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and nurses of various specialties and job titles. Below are the differences between RN and LPN to help you understand the two most common nursing professions.
An LPN, or licensed practical nurse, is a licensed professional who can provide basic patient care under the supervision of a physician or registered nurse. LPNs work with relatively stable patients, making them comfortable, taking vital signs, checking blood pressure, and monitoring their general health. The duties of an LPN are, as the name suggests, very practical. LPNs are responsible for monitoring patients and reporting any changes in condition to the supervising RN.
You Are Not
A registered nurse (RN) is the most common type of nurse you’ll find in the healthcare industry. The primary responsibility of these nurse specialists is to provide and coordinate patient care; assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients in need. RNs have a broader scope of practice than LPNs because they can perform diagnostic tests, administer medications, and teach patients how to manage their health after treatment. RNs also supervise LPNs, certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and home health aides.
Licensed practical nurses typically work in long-term care facilities where patients are generally stable, such as nursing homes and other residential facilities. However, some LPNs work for doctors, hospitals, and home health agencies.
Most registered nurses (more than 60 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics) work in hospitals. However, RNs can also be found working in schools, private clinics, outpatient clinics, and residential facilities.
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Becoming an LPN is one of the fastest ways to get into the nursing field. LPNs must complete an accredited practical nursing program, which takes about one year. After graduation, they can take the NCLEX-PN exam, which gives them a license as an LPN.
Because of the broader scope of practice, registered nurses must obtain a nursing degree from a state-accredited college. However, RNs do have options. they can earn an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN), depending on where they want to go to nursing school. While an ADN is the standard expectation for registered nurses, many choose to earn a BSN degree because of the advanced job opportunities and earning potential in the field. To become licensed, registered nurses must pass the national board exam, the NCLEX-RN, and meet specific state requirements.
The university is an accredited nursing school in Connecticut that offers associate, baccalaureate, and master’s degree programs in nursing. To learn more about the nursing career paths available to you, call 800-889-3282 or text 860-467-1511.
The university is a not-for-profit institution of higher education accredited by the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE), formerly the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The university was established in 1999 to serve a diverse student population with career-oriented degree programs that lead to strong employment outcomes. Participating nurses
How To Earn A Degree To Be A Nurse? Learn The Requirements
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